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How can I vote in the annual Board election?

In compliance with Texas State Property Code (Sec209.00592.) the Board has set forth the following options for voting in the upcoming election;

  1. Electronic voting via the online voting portal. The deadline to vote electronically is noon the day before the annual meeting.
  2. Absentee voting – This is a paper ballot you will receive in the mail that can be hand delivered, emailed, or sent via USPS or other mail service directly to Graham Management Company. The deadline to vote by absentee ballot is noon the day before the annual meeting.
  3. In-person voting at the annual meeting.


How do I ensure I am on the email distribution list so that I receive election and other important community information?

Contact Graham Management Company at info[email protected]

and request verification.

Members can also register for email communications at


Where can I find information on candidates who are running for the Board?

Candidates who have submitted their intention to run for the board during the registration period (Oct 1 through Dec 1) will have their information posted to the Benders Landing website and will have their information mailed out to homeowners.

If a member decides to run for an open seat after Dec. 1 AND has registered with the Property Management Company AND submitted their information, their information will be posted to the Benders Landing website


Why does candidate nominations close on Dec 1?

A number of administration functions, performed by our Property Management Company, must take place prior to mailing out Ballots and Candidate information on Dec 15. The 14-day period after nominations close and the mail out, allows the Property Management Company to perform their tasks as part of the normal work flow thus minimizing overtime costs, rushed activities and errors.


Why did I receive information about some candidates but not others?

The official registration period is from Oct 1 thru Dec 1. A community member who makes their intention known to the Property Management Company during this period that they intend to run for an open board seat, will have their information mailed to home owners in Dec and have their information posted to the Benders Landing website  Also, their name will appear on the ballot.

If a member decides to run for an open seat after Dec. 1 AND has registered with the Property Management Company AND submitted their information, their information will be posted to the Benders Landing website only. Their name will not appear on the ballot but can be written in.


Why are some candidate’s name on the ballet I received in the mail but not all candidates?

Members who have registered to run for an open board seat during the registration period (Oct 1 through Dec 1) will have their names preprinted on the ballot. The ballot is mailed to home owners no later than Dec 15. The logistics of printing and mailing paper ballots to members preclude making edits after Dec 1.

Writing in candidates’ names on a ballot is permissible.


Who can attend to the Candidate Meet & Greet?

The meeting is open to all members of the community. The purpose of the meeting is to talk to candidates who have made their intentions know to run for an open seat by registering with the Property Management Company by the date of the meet and greet.


When and where will the Meet & Greet be held?

The Meet and Greet will be held after the candidate nominations close (Dec 1) and prior to the ballot mail out (Dec15). The time, date and location of the meet and greets will be emailed to members and posted to the Benders Landing website


Where will the Annual Meeting be held?

Benders Landing does not own a facility capable of handling the annual meeting. In the past, the annual meeting has been held in nearby schools, churches and public facilities. The Property Management Company will provide the time, date and location of the annual meeting via mail, email and postings to the Benders Landing website

Can someone be nominated from the floor at the annual meeting?


Can I rescind my earlier vote?

A member can vote in person at the annual meeting and the in-person vote will supersede any prior votes cast.